Shipping Address on the Invoice in Singapore
What is the Shipping Address on the Invoice?
The shipping address is the desired or intended destination for the goods. In other words, it is the location of the buyer where the goods need to be delivered.
What Happens if the Shipping Address is Incorrect?
Any error or misprinting of the shipping address can lead to non-delivery and the return of the parcel. The shipping process for return may cost the business and negatively impact on their profits.
Shipping vs Billing Address
The shipping address and billing address may be the same, or different depending on the customer’s needs or demands. Following is a discussion on the purposes of both addresses on the invoice.
The shipping address indicates the intended destination of where the goods are to be delivered. On the other hand, the billing address indicates where the bill or statement is sent to the customer.
Shipping Abroad
When the business dispatches shipments abroad, it is wise to ensure the correct shipping address are on all exporting documents such as commercial invoices, packing lists and shipments. The inclusion of a country name will distinguish between a domestic shipping address or an abroad shipping address.
Example of Shipping Address When Exporting Abroad
Office # 307, 3rd floor, Avenue Plaza, Joe Road 2215, Brooklyn, New York, United States of America.
The country name is additional and crucial when the shipping or billing address is cross-border.
Invoicing tools for Singapore: